Thursday 28 November 2013


Witchery dress | Scape Underground Booth // Platranes | Jeffrey Campbell
The last picture reminded me of the Salem Hysteria, so I guess it's pretty apt. The dress was purchased about a month back before O's ended, finally got to wear it to Gardens By The Bay with the family. My mom hated the material as it was rather stiff and too thick for Singapore's weather. Myself, on the other hand, loved how the stiffness of the fabric gave the dress a more structured feel. It drapes wonderfully and has enlarged pocket detailing.

This awkward shoot was obviously done at GBTB, with tourists walking by and giving us weird looks haha. I tried to smize but dear lord, my eyes are too small. Playing around with different apertures and I also got myself a new pair of 50mm lenses - depth of field is amazing, can't wait to get some proper test shots. Bangkok's rather dangerous chaotic due to the protests right now, really hope it'd subside soon and we'll all be safe. 
Till the next time, 